Wednesday 4 August 2010

Can't cook won't cook!

Carrying on from my previous post about my much anticipated weekend of unique dining, I thought I would share with you the recipe and results of last nights kitchen adventure.

The mister and I thought we would attempt Heston Blumenthal's Scotch Egg recipe from Waitrose.

I have actually never tried Scotch Eggs so this was all new to me but according to good old Hes, Scotch eggs are the trendy savoury snack of the moment ... and, well, if Heston says it's trendy then who am I to disagree.

What you will need:

10 medium eggs

450g Waitrose Premium Pork Sausagemeat Stuffing

1 heaped tsp thyme leaves

45g French’s mustard

½ level tsp cayenne pepper

Salt & Pepper

1 packet of chives, chopped (oops! we forgot these)

Plain flour

50ml milk

125g Cooks’ Ingredients Breadcrumbs

Ground nut oil, for frying


Place 8 of the eggs in a large pan with cold water over quite a high heat. Heston recommends that as soon as the water starts to simmer to set a timer for 1 minute 45 seconds - I would actually boil the eggs for a little bit longer as it will make them easier to work with later. Once the eggs have boiled place them in a bowl filled with cold water and ice to cool down.


Place the sausagemeat in a bowl, add thyme, mustard, cayenne pepper, seasoning, chopped chives and 2 tablespoons of water. Mix thoroughly and form 8 patties with your hands. Chill the patties in the fridge for 20minutes.


Once the eggs have cooled down remove the shells. Flatten each pattie into a circle and place an egg in the centre. Wrap the sausagemeat around the egg, pressing the edges in order to seal it but being careful not to press too hard.


Next, arrange 3 small bowls. In the first bowl put the flour with some seasoning, in the second bowl beat the 2 remaining eggs and stir in the milk. The 3rd bowl should hold the breadcumbs. Roll each egg (covered in the sausagemeat) in the flour, gently tapping off any excess, then dip it in the beaten egg and finally, roll it in the breadcrumbs, making sure that all sides are coated.


Finally fill a saucepan with oil deep enough to cover the eggs and heat to 190c. Fry the Scotch eggs 2 at a time for 2 minutes until golden brown. Remove from the oil with a slotted spoon and place on a drying rack over a baking tray. When all the eggs have been fried, place the tray in the oven for an additional 10 minutes. Serve immediately while the yolks are still runny.

et Voila!

This was the first time I had tried a Scotch Egg and I have to say they were pretty tasty. Not the healthiest but I don't think I will be eating them all the time. I would definitely recommend boiling for longer than Heston recommends (even though I love runny yolk it's just too hard to work with).
Apparantly they are great for picnics so will need to make some the next time we have some sun and I get the chance to actually have a picnic. Let me know if you try this out :)


  1. Yummy, yum, yum! A co-worker of mine loves these and now I see why...they look like they would be delicious!
