Sunday 22 March 2009

House of Fraser - Horrendous Staff/Customer Service!

Warning: this is a minor rant.

A little while ago my husband bought me a Nars candle. I love Nars candles. Where we live there is only one place we can buy Nars candles and that is House of Fraser. He asked for Nars Oban and off he toddled home to give me my gift, however, inside the box was Nars Jaipur. The sales assistant had given him the wrong candle. Not a problem we thought, just take it back and exchange. So, a few weeks later I head into town with candle and ask for an exchange. I had forgotten the receipt but didn't think this would be a problem. They refused to exchange. I spoke to a Manager who still refused to exchange as I had no receipt. I told her it was their mistake but still she refused to do anything without a receipt, claiming that I could have bought the candle from Space NK which also stocks Nars. She failed to take onboard that Space NK only stock Nars cosmetics and NOT candles. I got to the point I was so frustrated that I stormed out of the shop ... i know, not the most mature way to deal with it but i was on the verge of exploding.

Fast forward a few weeks later and I go back in with the receipt and toddle down to the Nars counter... only to find an empty space! I thought they must have moved it to another area so I asked a girl nearby where it was. At this point I was informed Nars no longer trades within House of Fraser. (I later learned this was a fact the Manager I had dealt with previously knew about when I tried to exchange the first time). I explained to the girl my situation and she agreed that I should have been given the exchange in the first place, I asked to speak to a Manager to make sure my money was refunded. No Manager was available so a Supervisor of sorts came to deal with us.

Ok, this is where it gets infuriating ... I explained the situation to the Supervisor. 1st example of bad customer service - she told me Nars was no longer part of House of Fraser so could not help me. Told me to contact Nars!!! Obviously I point blank refused to do this and told her that it was House of Fraser responsibility to ensure that I was rightfully refunded.
2nd example of bad customer service - she then told me to take the candle over to Space NK and pretend I had bought it from there and have them exchange it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was this woman out of her mind? I just looked at her in sheer disbelief and advised if House of Fraser would not exchange without a receipt why on earth did she think Space NK would? Again, she persisted and tried to convince me to go to Space NK, this is when I had to explain that Space NK do not stock the candles therefore I would have looked a complete lying fool trying to exchange at their store. So then she walked away in a huff, rolling her eyes and said she would call for a Manager again.
She came back and said that the Manager told her she could take the candle back in exchange for gift vouchers. I informed the Supervisor that this was no good as we had specifically wanted the Nars Oban candle and if they no longer stock it then a gift voucher would be no good. I advised it had been their mistakes that got us to this point so they would have to rectify with a full refund.
3rd example of bad customer service - At this point she said but with a gift voucher you can buy any candle you want from House of Fraser?!! I swear she must have been on acid ... This is when i looked her in the eye and said 'I want a Nars candle!!', she then turned her back on me and said 'OH DEAR' in the sarciest, rudest manner. I had caused this woman no grief other than informing her of my situation and asking for what i was rightfully due. She then called her Manager
4th example of bad customer service - She came back and said her Manager had authorised a full refund as she couldn't be bothered and didn't have the time to deal with this kind of hassle. I smiled sweetly and replied 'Thank You'!

What a complete idiot of a woman. She was so rude, I wonder how she would deal with an awkward customer as we were more than pleasant to her. Even the girl who I initially spoke was rolling her eyes in disgust at the comments this woman was making.

Absolutely shocking.

Rant over.


  1. Thats an absolute disgrace. I can't believe they were suggesting you try and dupe SpaceNK. What con artists.
    I have a bit of a bad time with Debenhams but to be honest they've been nothing but apologetic and courteous to me.
    Glad you got your refund chick, lesson learned in regards to HoF eh! xxx

  2. That is appaling. I too find the staff in HoF to be terrible in dealing with customers (okay huge generalisation) but I have had numerous bad encounters like being blantantly ignored at counters while the staff have a little get-together on the shop floor! NARS is no longer in the Belfast store as I discovered the other day, so I headed to space nk where I had a much more pleasant experience!

  3. That is shocking, glad you got a refund in the end but you shouldn't have had to go through all that in the first place.

  4. Thankyou for your comment on my fitness & diet blog. I'm not going to deprive myself too much but i tend to be quite harsh on myself because im scared of putting on weight. I have taken up the gym 3 times a week to try and tone up :) i would love to dance, but i would never go to a class on my own!

  5. Jeez! Its people like this who put customers off going back to a store. Its just crap! Glad you got your refund at the end, but I bet you are boiling! I had a bad experience in Debenhams and honestly I don't want to ever step foot in another Debenhams store again!

  6. What an absolute disgrace. I don't know where these department stores find their staff! This is 100% of the reason I hate shopping in them...yes there is lots under one roof, but the staff as ludicrously rude and should be fired! Glad you finally got a discount...I would perhaps write a complaint letter? x x x

  7. Oh' that was really bad, Customer service is vital to the success of any business. Despite how good your product or service is, customer service can make you up or it can break you. So you better treat your customer in a very nice way. Thanks for sharing.


  8. I was glad to come across this site as I have a pair of Ralph Lauren shoes just arrived from H of F and although I really like them they have poor quality reviews from other buyers. I've never bought from H of F before and not sure where I would stand with them if shoes did fall apart after a few wears. Reading this I think I will return and buy from John Lewis. I loathe poor customer service.

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