Sunday 29 March 2009

UDPP Shocker!

I know you guys have all seen this before and although I have seen this on many blogs/YT vids, I was still in awe when i did it myself.

I cut open my UDPP.

I knew there would be a lot left but I definitely was not prepared for quite how much was left. This packaging really is an absolute rip off!! It does mean, however, that I have so much more product to play about with, and the best bit is that it has a lovely new home .... a cute li'l hello kitty jar.Hope you have all had fun filled weekends! I have partied and hauled to my life's content ... will maybe get some posts up showin you some of my purchases.



  1. omg this is shocking! i havnt seen this before lol great post thanks xoxox

  2. It is shocking. Like you had I'd seen how much was left on videos but was amazed when I did it myself. There was tons of it left. I feel sorry for the people who don't know and keep repurchasing, cos I know if I hadn't seen posts and videos about it I would have chucked it away with all that left.

  3. I think its disgraceful!! I have tried this and too faced shadow insurance, but I still always reach for my paintpot in painterly!!

  4. i need to do this to mine, not getting much out anymore!

  5. I'm going to have to do this soon I think but I don't want to do it until I really have to cos I don't want it to dry up... I do feel sorry for those who throw them away without realising and buying more.

    I don't see why after all this time UD hasn't changed it. Even when they bought out the Sin one...

  6. I have had mine in a jar for quite some time now and still no drying. Soooo glad i did it otherwise i would have thrown it away, what a waste...

  7. It really is terrible. After I saw the photos of this (somewhere on the net!) it made me look at packaging, and now I try not to buy anything that is a blatant rip off like this, such a waste too! x x x

  8. wow im due to cut mine open, cant wait :) love ur jar, i saw it in h&m!!
