Saturday 29 October 2011

ITCOW Highlights (picture heavy)

I thought I would show you some photos from the recent In The Company of Wolves (ITCOW) event I mentioned I would be attending on Wednesday.

You can hear more about it from Claire who along with her friend Ally is the genius behind ITCOW.

A 70's B Movie horrorfest inspired evening of fashion, music and art did not fail to impress.  It packed a real punch in it's overall aesthetic, mental stobe lighting not to mention music by Dirty Larry that nearly had us all raving by the side of the catwalk!  I also have to make a special mention to Kaeleigh Wallace who was the make-up sensation of the evening, a super talented artist, the girls diva like make up looked amazing!

Highlights for me where Isolated Heroes (psychadelic navajo-esque with a show stopping sequinned skeleton dress), Sweet Danger (printed floaty maxi's), Fair Feathered Friend (Bespoke feather headwear - right up my street), Jeniveve Berlin Millinery (more bespoke headwear) and not to forget Athif Dean's horsehair dress and the delights from Bonnie Bling.

In summary, the whole show was a veritable feast for the senses.

Venue: Sub Club, Glasgow

Sweet Danger


Jeniveve Berlin Millinery

Jeniveve Berlin Millinery

Athif Dean

Athif Dean

Isolated Heroes

Isolated Heroes

Fair Feathered Friend

Fair Feathered Friend

Fair Feathered Friend

Fair Feathered Friend

Fair Feathered Friend

Bonnie Bling


  1. That all looks amazing - those feathers are lush. I feel so very drab now sitting here in my jeans and tee reading this! :) x
