Friday 14 August 2009

NOTD - GOSH Flamingo

Before Barry M's Pink Flamingo nail paint there was GOSH Flamingo.

I am going to a wedding tomorrow and will more than likely be wearing my new maxi so I thought this shade of pink would go well. It is quite a vibrant pink with purple undertones, almost like a cerise shade.
3 things I love about this polish:
1) The gorgeous colour and glossy finish
2) Smooth application and fast drying
3) 1 coat is all that is required

Hmmm ok, that looks like 5 things - hey, go figure! :)

Do you like?

Hope you all have a great weekend!!



  1. Oh that's pretty. Is it anything like Barry M 303? From the pics, maybe? But maybe it's different in person.


  2. this is "flamingo gorgeous" arf arf - I am sleep deprived which explains that awful pun! ho hum...

  3. I love GOSH nail colours, I recommend 'Peach' aswell :)

  4. Ooooh thats really pretty - I was looking for a barbie pink just like that before my holibobs. I might have to invest for next year :) xxx

  5. ONE coat? - some of my polishes need 3-4 and still do not look that good :(

    I can never have enough pinks in my nail polish collection. This is such a lovely colour! xx

  6. I love that color! And, only one coat? Now that is amazing. :)

  7. @sarah @ellamarie84 Yes just one coat but i should remind you i am wearing acrylic nails and i really do think this makes a difference with application! x
