Wednesday 29 December 2010

You can leave your hat on ...

I have become a bit of a hat fiend of late. We even own a 'hat box' in our home used mostly for fancy dress and drunken antics but it's nevertheless a legit millinery delight.

Summer and winter are the main seasons I find a use for my hats and while last winter I had my furry trapper hat glued to my head, this year I decided to change it up a bit.

Panda hats or beanies with fluffy ears attached are just not for me as cute as they can look on others. This year I went a little bit sophisticated. Think of Angelina Jolie in Changeling ... yes, it's the cloche hat. It's chic, ladylike and retro.

I take my inspiration from Twiggy to get a modern retro twist on it. I picked my cloche hat up from Marks & Spencers, it even has a gem clad bow detailing. Very pretty.

Then there is the floppy hat which I don't actually know the proper name for. Maybe it's just the 'floppy hat'. Answers on a postcard.

Again, this is very retro but more of a seventies vibe which I love. This one is actually a vintage ... well, I bought it over 10 years ago so in my eyes it's vintage. Nuff said. I usually wear with a fur jacket for an uber glam, Studio 54 vibe ... just imagine a sparkly jumpsuit underneath and a pair of platform heels. Last days of Disco, eat your heart out!
This Gucci watch ad sums up my floppy hat lust. Tres chic, non?

Most practical of this years winter hat choices is the furry cossack hat. I got this from H&M along with a multitude of other faux fur purchases a few months ago. Leaving the trapper hat behind this year, the cossack hat provided a feminine, glam touch to a practical hat with just a hint of James Bond girl. Super cosy and stylish at the same time.

Winter doesn't seem to be slipping by quickly or unnoticed so looks like I will be alternating my hats for a few months yet - can't say I am not secretly pleased about it ;)

What have been your choices in this hat weather?



  1. I LOVE all of these hats, you look gorgeous. Wish I could get away with hats, the Mister always laughs at me when I wear one, which is never a good sign is it!! xxx

  2. I love the cloche hat the most, it's so sophisticated and stylish! I'm not generally a hat person, they always make me feel self conscious for some reason...I guess because they always become topic of conversation when you wear one. I think it takes a certain amount of confidence to wear a unique hat...maybe I should man up and get one though! I like how they can add that finishing touch to your outfit! x

  3. @loveaudrey do you know my hub is the same, he puts a hat on and it just never looks quite right - he loves hats too, it frustrates him so much! I bet there is a hat out there to suit you though ... just need to hunt it down xx

    @Liparazzi you are so right it is a confidence thing, it's only recently I have thrown caution to the wind and held my head high wearing a hat. I get loads of comments regardless of what kind of hat i wear, a lot of them negative but it's what i like so i force myself not to care what others think. Just go for it, man up woman! ;) xx

  4. You look absolutely brilliant in all of these :) my problem when it comes to hats is my slightly big head... haha, I can never get a completely comfy or decent looking fit :( xx

  5. aw so pretty! I love a hat, but it's such a statement - I sometimes find it hard to commit to. My fav's the cloche 20s style one from M&S. Totes upping their game yet again xx
