Saturday 30 July 2011

Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray

I haven't worn my hair down in ages.  Most of the time these days I scrape it up into a top knot and it is only on the odd occasion I style it down.

Needless to say all that tying up of the hair is making my scalp a bit sensitive and I sometimes get the odd headache so I thought I would give it a rest today.

I didn't want to go through the old hoo ha of washing, drying, styling, straightening my hair malarkey so I left it to do what it wanted which was a bit of a messy mass on my head.  It needed something, so I dug deep in my drawer of hair goodies (yes, I do have a dedicated drawer, bag, and bathroom cabinet dedicated to hair products!) ...  and out came Bumble and Bumble Surf Spray.  

Now I bought this such a long time ago with the aim to use it on holiday but in the end it only got used on a handful of occasions, mainly because my hair wasn't quite long enough at the time to suit a tousled barnet and the fact that I wasn't completely sold on it. 

I have been told by many that this surf spray is the best out of legions of sea salt spray products but for me I am not too sure. 

True, it has given me the texture that was required for my already beach wavey hairstyle but I can't help feel that it doesn't actually add to the wave in my hair which is what I want it to do.  In fact, my hair probably had more wave before applying the spray.  I want to 'spray and scrunch' and appear to have naturally beachy locks.  

I am not sure Bumble & Bumble does this.  Texture is all it gave me and in some areas of my hair the texture seemed a little 'coated' so to speak, as if I had applied a tonne of 80's style hair spray.  

I think it's great for a temporary fix and would be a heck of a lot better if my hair had been pre curled but for effortlessly beach ready hair I think there has got to be something better out there.  I would use this spray again in the event that I don't find anything better and if my hair has been curled or waved prior to using it.

I have a few more similar products that I can test my theory on so I will endeavour to keep you posted.

What's your favourite sea salt hair product? 



  1. The wave making and curl defining spray from Living Proof might be better. It definitely made my wavy/slightly curly hair more curly and defined. It's a bit sticky but not overly so.

  2. @Kat ooh thank you, will look out for that one x
