Sunday 4 December 2011

Holidays are coming ....

It's only the blimmin' coca cola truck!!

This turned up outside the Rihanna concert I went to last week (more to come on that in another post) ... it made for a perfect photo opportunity so Jen and I swooped on in on the lovely attendant who was willing to snap away for all the eager fans wanting their moment with the now infamous truck.

It was a welcome reminder that the holidays are indeed on their way which means lots of chocolate, some much needed time off work, lots of parties and lots of recovering on the couch with a heap of Christmas movies (... Elf, anyone?!).

Thankfully, I did the organised (read: boring) thing this weekend and completed and wrapped my full Christmas shopping list! Smug, much?

Have you made a dent in your Christmas list yet?



  1. Very smug indeed, mine is bought but not wrapped! You look fab by the way :)

  2. Oh thanks my lovely! It's a great feeling to just be able to enjoy the festive period without worrying about who you still need to buy for xx

  3. Seriously, you're such a babe! x

  4. ha ha aw thanks MissisG, I have good photos and bad photos, i have to admit that was a decent one x
