Monday 13 June 2011

My latest obsession ... Green Tea!

I've pretty much always known that green tea is good for you but not being a tea/coffee drinker in general, it's never occurred to me to include green tea (or any tea for that matter) in my daily routine. 

That is until I met the wonderful Mikey who was sharing some of his weight loss, feel good tips with me.  He said it had worked wonders for him so without doubting a word he uttered I rushed out to stock up on some green tea.  

The initial objective to drinking green tea was weight loss as it's known for its anti-oxidant qualities and increasing the metabolism but after a couple of days of drinking i started to notice some other perks to add to it's extensive list of benefits. 

I aimed to drink up to 4 cups a day - any more was a bonus.  After a couple of days I noticed my tired, dull and spotty skin completely clearing up.  My make up sat flawlessly on my skin and I noticed a much more radiant glow to my face.  It was wonderful! 

I also felt much more alive, awake and my mood was perkier in general.  My energy levels had definitely increased too which was fantastic for going to the gym :) 

Honestly, I am bowled over!  Why did it take me so long to catch on to the wonders of this magic pot of goodness?! 

Due to feeling a bit poorly last week I haven't drank it regularly for a week and my skin has started to break out again so today I got back on it ... like a car bonnet ;p (for all your Geordie Shore fans!).  

I am hoping that my skin will clear again within a couple of days and this time I plan to keep green tea in my routine permanently.   So far I haven't noticed any weight loss effects but I guess when you eat for Britain, no magic tea is gonna help you! 

You wanna know what else green tea is good for?
  • Depression 
  • Headaches
  • Reduces risk of cancer (allegedly)
  • Heart conditions
  • Cholesterol
  • Tooth Decay
  • Acne
There is so much more to add but we could be here all day.  Basically there isn't much that green tea isn't good for. 

So far I haven't used any particular brands, I am looking to try a few and see what suits best.  However, I have been drinking green tea infused with jasmine which smells amazing and although tastes a little soapy, it is a little easier to go down than green tea straight. 

I have been told it's best to let this tea brew so I leave the teabag in for up to 5 minutes before decanting.  I quite like to squeeze the life out of the blighter too ;) 

Are there any green tea enthusiasts out there who can recommend a particular brand to try or how best to drink your green tea?



  1. Loooove green tea! I used to hate it, and only started drinking it about a year ago.

    It's known as a superfood I think. With all it's amazing benefits.

    I drink Healtheries, nd try different flavours. At the moment I drink Feijoa green tea after breakfast and Raspberry green tea after lunch. I only drink 2 cups a day, so it's probably not as much as I should. I worry about the caffeine a little bit though.

  2. @River yeah i read that it can cause insomnia but I have seen caffeine free green tea so might look out for that in future xx

  3. I drink green tea all the time and love it :)
    I tend to drink the ones with lemon in the most, I used to drink the Tetley ones but I've got Clipper ones at the moment and I think they taste a bit better than the Tetley ones. So I'd recommend Clipper; they do lots of other flavours too x

  4. love green tea too! i would recommend clipper green tea with lemon.

  5. I adore green tea I drink about a gallon a day- i think I have a full on problem! I would totally recommend you take a trip up to Seawoo The chinese Supermarket as they sell boxes of a hundred really pure bags for £1.50 I go and buy boxes of it at a time so I can keep some at work and boxes at home :) makes my addiction much cheaper! xxxx

  6. I'm a green tea fan too, although can't drink it on it's own I have the Twinnings one with Pear infused in it. I realy enjoy it and the week that I first started drinking it I lost 2 pound at Slimming World. I was peeing like a racehorse though! x

  7. I love green tea, it makes me feel brighter - that sounds weird but it perks me up. Totally agree about it making skin better.

    The Tetley infused with lemon is nice if you want away from the bog standard green tea :) x

  8. I adore green tea, I drink it every day when I remember - and it really makes a massive difference to energy, skin, just like you and I notice it when I miss a few days! Weirdly too - I sometimes suffer from a slightly itchy scalp and I swear drinking green tea helps with this?! It is supposed to encourage healthy hair growth so maybe there's something in that and I'm not imagining it. White tea is also particularly good for hair growth, apparently, although I stick to green for the many other health benefits. Also if you combine it with a squeeze of lemon when feeling a little rundown or as if you might start a cold, the combination is supposed to boost your immune system better than either taken alone. All hail green tea! x

  9. I like Ice green tea. You can make a jug and leave it in the fridge. I find it goes down more easily than drinking it hot. Add in some lemon slices too :) xx

  10. i've never ever tried green tea!! I will give it a go!! XX

  11. Will def try it. The one time I did was when I had a nasty flu bug and was immediately sick so slightly bad memories!!

  12. Great post, I try to drink green tea every day but stick to de-caffeinated so I can still have a coffee in the morning and a diet coke at lunchtime!

  13. I've been drinking green tea for years but only drink about 3 cups a day, don't think it helps weight loss really! I drink twinnings brand green tea with mint, the proper green tea is too bitter, I also drink a lot of peppermint tea which is really good for you, goes well after a meal! x

  14. Green tea with peppermint and just a little sugar makes the whole experience much more enjoyable hehe! Green tea on it's own is pretty gross :P xx

  15. I love green tea, but often I forget to drink it as I somehow automatically make coffee. But at night before I go to bed, I always drink honeybush tea, it has no caffeine.

  16. I really enjoy the brand Yamamotoyama. I like either the sushi bar style or just the regular in foil packets...It's so yummy. I get it on or in Asian food markets for a really great price :)

  17. you've all given me great green tea tips! :D thanksxx

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  19. Dragonfly Organic Moroccan Mint Green Tea is my favourite. You can find it in the supermarkets for about £1.90 for 20 individual tea bags.

  20. Green tea is really good for our health. It can help in a lot of ways. I heard that it's good in a diet.

    dental implants kansas city

  21. Researchers say that high concentration of antioxidants called catechins of green tea help protect the delicate tissues of the eye from glaucoma and other eye diseases.

    eye care

  22. Green tea is joining in the war against obesity. In a study, green tea extract helped to reverse established obesity. Take 3 cups of green tea per day to help your body burn calories.

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