Tuesday 7 June 2011

Rapidlash to the rescue!

Back at the start of the year I was using Revitalash on my lashes to help condition and ultimately lengthen and thicken them.  It gave me the length I was after and I was so happy with the results until I decided to get lash extensions back in March.  Well, I pretty much hated them after only a few days and went about getting rid of the blighters.

Needless to say, my eyes ended up near bald.  Some of you may remember seeing my post with very sore and sad eyes void of lashes.  Instead of going back to the trusty Revitalash, I decided to try another product that I had heard everyone rave about - Rapidlash.

Rapidlash is a lash conditioner that is 'clinically proven to give you up to 50% longer looking natural lashes'  making your lashes look stronger, fuller and longer within 6-8 weeks.  Rapidlash is also the cheaper alternative priced at £39.95 and readily available at Boots.

Like other products of it's kind you apply Rapidlash along the lashline.  I do this at night after I have cleansed, swiping a clean line over my lid as if I were applying a liner.  I do this faithfully every night.

I fully expected to wait a couple  of months for decent results but after only 3 weeks my lashes had started to grow back and look glossier and healthier.  After 6 weeks their full length was back to normal. At the 8 week mark they had grown beyond their natural length with my right eye in particular showing extra length especially on the outer corner.

To cut a long story short, this product has worked wonders for me and I have had no side effects from it, no discolouration to the eye or lids and no soreness or dryness.  I would definitely recommend this product and I even had my sister in law use it before her wedding as she had also had a similar lash extension disaster like myself.  She too loved the results and Rapidlash had her lashes back to full health just in time for her wedding day. Phew!

The proof in the pudding for me is when people at work ask if I am wearing false lashes which of course i'm not.  I would much rather spend up to £40 on a tube of this magic than dodgy extensions that leave my poor wee eyes baldy and raw!

Has anyone else used and loved Rapidlash?  Perhaps you had the opposite experience?  Let me know :)



  1. I'm a huge fan of Rapidlash, it made my lashes so long with a natural curl. I didn't re-purchase when I ran out so sadly they went back to being short and straight :(

    With our wedding in a couple of months I thought I needed to get them back in peak condition so I bought a replacement on ebay...only £20! I think I will use it for the rest of my life now!

  2. I saw your original post about the extensions and gasped when i saw what they done to your eyes. But WOW! what a difference, it really does look like you're wearing falsies! I'm tempted to buy this stuff! xx

  3. Your lashes are looking amazing! Which mascara are you using at the moment? x
