Thursday 30 July 2009

Just an ickle haul!

I was in desperate need of some new make up bits and bobs so tonight I headed into town after work for some late night shopping.

I started off at Lush. Ok, ok, I've been shopping in Lush for years, i'm not a super fan but I mostly use it when buying gifts for others and occasionally get myself some smellies for bath time. I have never tried any of their skincare and i have to say it was the power of YT that sucked me into this purchase! Dressjunkie's recommendation of Baby Face cleanser encouraged me to buy it this evening. Recently, I have been all over the place with cleansers so I'm hoping this works well with my skin. I also picked up Sweet Japanese Girl, which is an exfoliating facial massage bar which contains tea trea, apparantly great for blackheads.I then headed to Mac where the girls where just so rude and dismissive that I walked straight back out again! ..... and off to Boots I went where I picked up a 3 for 2 offer on make up range Pure. I haven't tried Pure yet, it all seems a bit overpriced in my opinion but I thought I would give the Kajals a go ... they are £11ish each so even on 3 for 2 it was hardly a bargain but I am looking forward to trying these out. I picked up Black, Sophisticated Brown and Midnight Blue.
I was really excited about the black and blue but after I swatched them I could see how pretty the brown is, more like a bronze. Finally I headed to Space NK to replenish my Nars Laguna which hit pan ages ago. I managed to get a hold of Laguna fine but the lipgloss and blush I wanted where sold out - typical Space NK! Instead I bought a new Balanced Foundation in shade Fiji ... which is a favourite of mine for Summer and I also picked up a Shu Uemura lipstick. My final stop was the newsagent where I picked up a copy of Marie Claire which was giving away a free James Brown Intensive Hair Mask ... favoured by Kate Moss no less! I would be a little more excited by my freebie if Kate Moss' hair ever looked nice but it never does!!

Anyway, this lot should keep me amused until the next shopping trip!

Has anyone else tried the lush products or kajals - any tips?



  1. LOL @ the Kate Moss comment, so true!!!
    What a fab haul, I hope Babyface works for you hun, I'd love to try Sweet Japenese Girl but its always sold out in Belfast. Can't wait to hear how it fairs!
    That is such a good deal with the Pure Kajals, I wear the black every day to tightline and I think its amazing xxx
    PS Love the new look blog ;)

  2. I've been wanting to try out that baby face bar since dressjunkie's review as well! I haven't tried those kajals, but I'm excited to hear what you think! xoxo

  3. I love the Pure Kajal in brown, I wear it a lot to line my eyes during summer. It gives such a pretty, shimmery finish but in my experience, doesn't stick around on your face for more than a few hours.

    Let me know if you find something that makes it stay!

  4. @dressjunkie I've used it since Friday and I love it ... i found it didn't get all of my Chanel mascara off but got a fair bit off without all the pulling so that was great... and best bit, no spots so my skin obviously likes it!! Will be trying out the Sweet Japanese Girl this week so will keep you posted.

    p.s thanks re the blog :) xx

    @ellamarie84 Definitely try it, it's great! I have been playing with the kajals today so will keep you updated on what i think of them xx

  5. @Anonymous I wore the brown today and really liked it ...there were a few tears today as it was day 2 of my friends wedding celebrations and we were all rather emotional (saps!!lol) so i will need to do a better test run of it this week xx

  6. Look forward to the reviews especially of the Kajals - they look like interesting cosmetics lol xxx

  7. Sweet Japanese Girl is probably my favourite product from Lush. I honestly love it. It's fantastic :) I keep meaning to put up a review of it!

    Leaves my skin feeling so clean and refreshed :)

  8. The only time Kate Moss and her hair ever look nice is when they've been airbrushed to within an inch of their life.

  9. I have been using babyface for a while now and it is by far my favourite cleanser. I rub it over my face and then massage it in and it just melts everything off.. i then just wet a flannel with warm water and wipe it off. I have looked at sweet japanese girl a few times but never tried it, please can you do a review when you've had chance to try it out? xx

  10. ohh whats the mask like? I saw it last night but didnt know whether to try it! xxx

  11. I tried looking on the spacenk website to see where my nearest store is but it wasnt working, is there any near liverpool?
