Monday 4 May 2009

New Shoes!! .... yes another pair!

This is just a quick post as I have such a stressful week ahead and I want to be cosied up in bed by 9pm!

As you all know it was my birthday this week and as part of my birthday treats, my husband took me into town at the weekend and bought me these kick ass shoes from Topshop!
I absolutely love them! They are so high yet so comfortable and easy to walk in. No pain even at the end of an evening.... which leads me to...

Last night my friend and I went out for some birthday drinks ... we thought it would be a really busy night as it was the Bank Holiday but we couldn't have been more wrong, everywhere was dead but it didn't stop us having some birthday fun!

Apologies for the horrendous quality of this photo, it was taken on my camera phone and my photographer was rubbish ;P (i know she will be reading this ;)!) I am mid pose so apologies for the gammy stance!
I wore my new shoes with black tights, a black sequinned dress (the same one Sophie Dahl wore on Jonathan Ross on Friday night), and a black blazer with the sleeves rolled up..... minimal jewellery, just some bangles and a ring. The photo is bad but you should get the idea!
I styled my hair pretty bad ... I used Chi volume boost which really isn't very good for my hair and think thats where it all went wrong! Shorter hair is not proving to be as versatile as I thought it would be ... maybe i just need some tips on styling?!

So any tips on styling my shorter hair are welcome. What are your opinions on my new shoes and my choice of outfit? yay or nay? Good, bad or just plain ugly?!



  1. I'm loving those shoes!!! U look beautiful as always. xxNadia

  2. Ah Your SHooes..!!! are beautiful..I want them too :P

  3. Sexy shoes woman :) Me likey! x x x

  4. LOVE those shoes! I'm very jealous

  5. Oh these shoes...<333 You wore them very very well dear! xoxo

  6. I need a staple black blazer. Where is yours from? The sleeves look nice and fitted xx

  7. Love the shoes - thumbs up! x

  8. Those shoes = love. Kickass indeed lady - you looked fab!

  9. OMG I AM IN LOVE WITH THOSE SHOES! Hehe. :) Happy birthdayyy.

  10. I think that these shoes NEED to be in my collection! (nothing to do with wanting!)

    Glad you had a good Birthday! Gorgeous!

  11. glad you all like the shoes!! I have them sitting neatly in my lounge just now so i can always be looking at them LOL!! hmmm maybe i like them too much?!

    @dressjunkie the blazer is from Mango .. i bought it a month or so ago but i'm sure they will still have it xx

  12. Gorgeous selection of those shoes!! I just wanna add up them in my wardrobe!!

  13. hey. where is the dress from?? its gorgeous!
