Sunday 6 February 2011

How to: Fishtail Plait

This is quite a pitiful post in the sense that my fishtail plait is slightly pathetic.

I've been longing for my hair to grow long enough to do a fishtail braid.  I think they are whimsical, gorgeous and the messier the better.

Yet for something that appears so effortless ... well, it's blimmin difficult!  I swear I built up a bit of a sweat trying to achieve this and my arms are aching from holding onto my hair for so long.

Now that's a fishtail plait!
However, practise makes perfect and this was only my first real go at it.  The more I do it and the longer my locks grow, hopefully I will achieve the stunningly plaited tresses a la Leona Lewis, Lauren Conrad and so on.

So here's what I did.
  • I pulled my hair to one side and split into 2 sections so I have section 1 and section 2
  • I took a thin piece of hair (this can be as thick or thin as you desire depending on what result you want) from the back of section 2 and pulled it across to meet and join with section 1. 
  • I then took a thin piece of hair from section 1 and pulled it across to meet and join with section 2.
  • Repeat these steps until you have finished your plait
  • ... and voila!
pitiful, right?!

Sounds easy huh?

That's what I thought ...

Would love to know your tips for making this a little easier or is it just me who's all fingers and thumbs?



  1. i've tried these so so many times, i'm like a friggin dyspraxic. Literally cannot co-ordinate where the hair needs to go..mind you I cant do french plaits either ah well Xx

  2. Apparently if your hair is slightly damp it makes it easier. It does just take practise though - I also find the difficult bit is starting it off and trying to keep all my layers in!

  3. I've tried many times, but I just can't do it :(

  4. I watched a YouTube video on this the other day, had a go and it looked absolutely terrible! I just pulled it out it looked such a mess, it looked nowhere near as good as yours!

  5. Well,I am impressed. The plait looks great!

    I often try and do plaits for our girls. They just look so cute.

    We are from the UK and have recently settled in Cairns, Australia. We have set up a child and education friendly blog. I hope to do a future post on plaitingand would love to feature your post.

    I am your newest follower, please drop by our blog and have a look and let us know your thoughts.
