Sunday 13 February 2011

Let me entertain you ...

I promise to stop banging on about this soon but the novelty of the new laptop has still not worn off. 

I now have photobooth!  This meant that for about 40 minutes today I entertained myself by snapping pics of me making silly faces at the screen.  Simple things ...

In other news this weekend, my husband finally arrived back from his trip to the States, we spent a weekend of eating, drinking, going to the cinema and shopping.  It was lovely to just spend time with my Valentine after his trip away although sadly he is now off to South Africa :(  Just in time for Valentine's Day ... 1, 2, 3 ... aawwww.  Bah, Valentines Day is such a farce anyway! 

Movies viewed this weekend were Peter Mullen's NEDS and Black Swan.  NEDs is set in Glasgow, depicting the life of a young boy from a deprived background who gets involved in Glasgow's notorious gang culture.  Tongs ya bas, anyone?!  Good film but still think NEDS was the wrong title for it.  Anyone outside of Glasgow going to see it will really need subtitles and anyone going to watch in Glasgow, be prepared for hysterical laughing at the coarse language and and extreme violence... what can I say, we have some sense of humour up here!! ;) 

Black Swan was the ultimate anti climax.  I was promised an erotic violent thriller.  It was an interesting psychological drama but I was expecting to feel traumatised after hearing the reviews.  Not at all.  I wouldn't say it was a bad film at all but it was hyped up way beyond my expectations.

Anyway, weekend is almost over ... time to chill out and enjoy the last few hours of down time :) 



  1. Awww so this is what photobooth is...!! simple things indeed!Love it!

    Shit about Black Swan, It is for me a one watcher only!


  2. i've not seen NEDS but hearing scottish accents on screen just amuses least we are entertaining if nothing else x

  3. aww gotta love photobooth! :) thats a shame your hubby is jetting away already, glad yous had a nice weekend together though! I still havent seen black swan, I know its been a massive hype but I cant be fooked with it :( really want to see NEDS though! xx

  4. @Music Fashion Clutter I did still like it but just didn't rock my world like I expected it too. Same though, probably a one view only for me too xx

    @Emma ha yes, it usually makes me cringe to hear the accent xx

    @Ayden oh yes go see Neds ... there are so many mixed reviews on it but i did like it. Not the movie of the year or anything but quite interesting if you read between the lines and apply it to real life. It's very gritty xx
