Thursday 10 February 2011

New Look: Leona Lewis

It seems that Leona Lewis is looking to distance herself from her squeaky clean, pretty as a princess image and has been seen this week sporting Gaga-esque creations of her own and a Nicki Minaj inspired hairstyle.

I am not sure what to make of this or Leona's designs.  On one hand it is quite a quirky and fun look but i'm not sure it really fits her 'image' and we have never seen a personality to match this crazy exterior.

I wonder if she has just succumbed to the pressure of the Gaga's and the Rhianna's of todays music and is trying to market herself to a younger, cooler market.  In my opinion, she was beautiful as she was and with so many people vying for the 'quirky, i'm so different' title, she kinda stood out in her whimsical dresses, tumbling waves and soft make up.

What do you make of Leona's new look?



  1. I think wear once that kind of outfit could be fun for a while but, do it twice ?
    Hum... Something's wrong !

  2. Loving the new hair, I don't see why everyone is saying that it's awful. It's not awful, just different to how it usually is. As for the think they speak for themselves!

  3. I love the hair, she kinda reminds me of a Barbie I once had.... anyway, the clothes I don't like, I agree with you that they don't suit her look, and I love her look, it's elegant and beautiful x

  4. What was she thinking? It's all so wrong! xx

  5. I think they're pretty cool, although I don't think they're right for Leona!

  6. Just looks like a marketing gimmick to me. I wish she'd get some individuality instead of trying to channel Gaga or Nicki Minaj (who essentially channelled Gaga herself)

  7. I like it but not on Leona. Gaga and Nicki Minaj have the music and personality to match the clothing but Leona doesnt at all It looks out of place on her
    Harriet xxx

  8. Not keen on the dresses, love the hair.

    Do you think she's had surgery, her nose looks different?

  9. i always thought she was impossibly beautiful before but this new look sort of exaggerates this and makes her look a bit barbie and plastic-ish?

    much preferred the flowing ball gowns and natural curly locks that she used to sport!

  10. Not sure about the overall look but I love the hair!

  11. I liked her the way she was to be honest, I don't think she needed to change her style. Although I do like her hair, it suits her. She defo won't be doing the meat dress - she's a veggie! lol xxx

  12. I don't think she looks comfortable wearing those outfits. When you see Leona interviewed etc, she's such a soft, gentle girl and this look doesn't fit well with that. I don't think she should try to conform to fashion, but go with what suits her.

  13. ooh a few different opinions here - everyone definitely loves the hair though :) xx
