Monday 24 January 2011

Who's with me? ...

Yup, you got it ... Tonight, 9pm, Channel 4, Big Fat Gypsy Weddings.  I'm all over this bad boy.

Last week it had me glued to the screen in awe of gypsy culture and specifically their dating rituals that involve 'Grabbing' (sexual assault, much?!) and their over the top weddings where the Bride gets to dress as the biggest loo roll holder ever!! Lucky girl.

My favourite part of last weeks episode was when this particular girl started lapdancing while waiting on her limo to the Church.  Yes, you heard me, lapdancing ... well she wasn't on anyones lap but she was obviously practising for later!?  ... aherm. 

Yes, that's right, that's a massive split up the front of her dress!
And my jaw dropped in horror at this wee girls Holy Communion when she and her mates got to ride in a limo sans chaperone having a proper rave up with fake champagne (why?), karaoke and booming music. Rezpect.
Her brother... not her Husband.  They do it young, but not that young.

I won't even mention the dress and tiara!!

We have another 4 episodes of this to go so every Tuesday at 9pm is blocked out in my diary until it's finished.

Best. TV. Ever.



  1. lol I'm in the US, so I've missed it. I don't know if it's a common saying there, but where I'm from people will say they look like a bunch of gypsy's moving, if they pack a lot to go on vacation. :)

  2. It's so addictive. That said....wasn't too happy about the whole "grabbing" ritual. Did not sit right with me one iota.

  3. Oh I am all over it like a rash, my jaw was one the floor the entire time. The grabbing part I just couldnt believe my eyes.

    Roll on tonihgt ( snog marry avoid and hotter than my daughter first!)


  4. Love this, the bit with the little boy hanging out of the limousine window was one of the worst things I've seen on TV for a while!

  5. I agree about the "grabbing", in our world thats sexual harassment!

    however it is awesome viewing, very interesting and I do enjoy a nose at wedding dresses!

  6. I cannot wait for Tv tonight...MBFGW followed by Shameless! Oh and I read somewhere they might be doing a My Big Fat Gyspy Funeral! x

  7. I am so glad everyone is on board with this one ;) xx

  8. i couldnt drag myself away from this last week! its one of those programs where you shouldnt be watching but cannot keep your eyes off it haha

  9. haha hilarious!!i loove this, i always record it! that grabbing is definitely sexual assault! id love to see your wedding pictures saskia!

  10. I love it.It's my guilty pleasure,the flashing lights on her dress where amazing!Who's seen a dress like that until yesterday ? LOL

  11. Ha i'm glad we were all still glued to the tv this week - bring on next week ;) xx
